On a much lighter and brighter note than the few previous posts have been on... anyone remember the scraggly little hairball that I pulled out of a ditch in a rainstorm in January? She was on her last legs when I found her... I don't think she would have survived the night had I not found her. She had a festering wound on her tail and was skin and bones. There was no way I could have left her there in the freezing rain. I took her home, had her doctored up, and named her Mimi.
Fast forward to August....
Doesn't even remotely look like the same cat does it? She even changed colors! She is fat and sleek, and her hair feels like silk. She always climbs in bed with me when I sleep, and had the most adorable nearly-silent little mew when she wants food (which is always).
It feels so good to save a life!
What a sweet little girl! The best cat I have ever known is my current cat Evan. My sister and I rescued him from a group of nasty boys who were abusing him on the street as we drove past - throwing his little 5 week old body to each other like a football and smoothing his face into the dirt. They were walking toward the creek too, I suspect to drown him. My sister made me stop the car, and she marched right up to them, put her hand out and said "give me that cat!". He had cat flu and the vets said they would put him down as they had too many other kits to look after so we took him on. He is so affectionate, like he is thankful every day for his life being saved. Maybe your girl is so cuddly because she knows she owes you big time. :)
What a pretty girl! She's the picture of health.
She is beautiful. What a lucky kitty.
She's beautiful! And a nearly silent meow is heavenly lol. She's a lucky girl to have found you that day.
Lol I love her little mew... usually I just see her little mouth moving. Surprising considering that she clearly has some Siamese in her!
It does indeed feel good to save a life.
I've done that with several kittens. My fondest rescue was two 10 day old orphan kittens that crawled into our pastor's backyard, he brought them to us as he is violently allergic to cats. We named them Wickett and Leia (after the star wars characters!) and Leia is by far my most favorite cat in this whole wide world. Lurve her to pieces <3 Hand raised cats are the best!
Oooh what a beautiful poof! She looks like she owns the place, lol!
Our Jewel is a siamese and oh so LOUD! Your girl is adorable :)
She's beautiful! :3
Yay for cat savers! She is beautiful. I'm still "stuck" with that goofy orange cat I found. He still has a bit of a limp, he never could meow right, I think his nose or throat was damaged in a fight, he has a big hole in his ear, and he's not the most coordinated thing, but looks like he's not going anywhere soon...
What a beautiful cat! I am so glad you saved her and that she turned into such a loveable feline.
I LOOOOOOOOVE Silent Meow. Dragon and Simple Jack both do it all the time.
Mimi looks amazing. What a transformation. I came to see you after reading about Gogo on the Beebee Chrome Chevalier blog. I am so sorry that you are going through this. Sounds like you have what is best for Gogo in mind. Cherish every moment. The animals in our lives make us better humans and it is devastating when they have to leave us.
Mango Momma
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